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COVID Quarantine Requirements Shortened

By Wyatt McInerney

Recently, Irvington High School has decided to shorten it’s quarantine time for students and staff from 10 days to 5. Quote from the statement says, “Individuals may attend school after the 5-day isolation provided symptoms have improved.”

This is a big change knowing how COVID-19 can stay circulating throughout the body for extended periods of time.  A big difference with the Omicron variant is that while it is much more transmissible, it is believed to cause less severed disease, and much less disease. This is especially believed for the vaccinated population. Due to the vast amount of vaccination and now infection, immunity is believed to be at an all time high.

While many specialists have not been happy with the loosening restrictions, many seem to be okay with them now. Because of the mass infection it is believed we are on our way to herd immunity. “Herd immunity occurs when a large portion of a community (the herd) becomes immune to a disease, making the spread of disease from person to person unlikely. As a result, the whole community becomes protected — not just those who are immune.” Knowing all these facts, loosening restrictions, and allowing for people to only isolate for five days seems safe and exciting for this community.