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Welcome Back, CDC

Dr Rochelle Walensky, new director of the CDC.

By Charlotte Calick

As the beacon on the hill, countries around the world looked toward the United States in times of need. Whether it was help from our military or assistance economically, the United States was expected to lead. This was especially the case when it came to health.

The U.S. organization tasked with health issues was the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC. Ebola, HIV, ZIKA, and SARS, it was the CDC that led the way. That was of course until the Trump administration and COVID-19.

Early in the pandemic, there seemed to be a change within the CDC. This was clear in their guidance regarding an early hotspot, meat-packing plants. Previously, they would speak in absolutes explaining exactly what needed to be done for everyone’s protection. Now they were just making “recommendations” and their guidance should be followed “if possible.” Why the change? The answer, Donald Trump.

Most of these plants were in red states led by Republican governors. Those governors had concerns that if they had to close plants, which the CDC would have recommended in the past, it would hurt their local economy. As a result, hurt Trump’s re-election chances so, with pressure from his administration, CDC guidance was changed.

This continued throughout the pandemic. The CDC put out memos on “How to get all kids back in school for the Fall,” something no medical professional believed was even possible. Then the worst of it all when they put out a memo stating there was no need for individuals who were asymptomatic to get tested for COVID-19. Remember Donald Trump at his rallies? More tests lead to more cases, so he was not a huge fan of testing.

It ultimately fell on the shoulders of the man running the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield, but instead of fighting against the administration, he stood back and let it all happen. He forgot that Dr. was in front of his name. 

Then came January 20th, 2021. After his inauguration, President Biden put Dr. Rochelle Walensky in charge of the CDC. In her first press conference she shared her vision: 1) rely on information from the medical professionals; 2) share that information with the public daily and 3) tell the truth, even if the truth was hard to hear. In yet another part of our government, a return to normal.

This shift in the CDC culminated this week as Dr. Walensky tasked her second in command to clean up all past statements issued by the CDC. Gone is all the “medical” guidance written by the Trump Administration. Gone!

Perhaps we might be able to lead once again.