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Wheels Vs Doors

By Stuart Graeber

Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a question going around on the internet. Are there more doors or wheels in the entire world? This very basic question has turned into something that in my opinion, isn’t very basic afterall. People have begun to overcomplicate it by bringing things like cell doors, gears and other wheels and doors “by definition”, when clearly that wasn’t the point of the question. I think that the only things that should be included in the question are literal physical doors and literal physical wheels. I think all of the figurative doors and wheels are just taking the question to levels of complexity it wasn’t meant to be at.

Personally, I think there are way more wheels in the world than there are doors, but there is no real way to tell. Nobody is going to count every single wheel and door in the world, that would be crazy. It is next to impossible to actually find out the winner, but it is nice to see that people are arguing over something so unimportant yet entertaining. This has bred further debates such as “More blades of grass or hairs”, and there are surely more of these debates to come. Of course this is a trend and will probably die out within the next few weeks, but for the time being it is a hot topic throughout social media.