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We Deserve a Prom This Year

By Olivia Yin

Let’s talk about Prom. It is a tradition that is celebrated in high schools across the country since the late 1800s. Prom is featured in almost every movie about high schoolers. 

Whether it’s a way for teens to rebel and skip or a place to attend with friends/a date, it is an iconic moment that every teenager should get the opportunity to experience.

In a normal year, juniors and seniors at IHS are able to attend a school run prom that happens around March or closer to the end of the year. It is a time to celebrate and relieve stress from a long year. Many students look forward to prom. There are promposals between friends, or dates, and many plan their attire: renting or buying formal dresses and suits. 

However, in the face of COVID 19, prom is not guaranteed to occur in person. And while the safety of students and teachers is without a doubt the first priority, I can’t help but wonder why prom wouldn’t be able to happen when other events are allowed to continue. If high risk sports like football and volleyball are allowed to happen, why can’t prom as well? 

Additionally, if school is set to open for everyone in April with about 20 students per classroom, then school events like prom — which could be hosted in a gymnasium or in a rented area or even outside on the field — should also be allowed. 

I think prom is an important event for upperclassmen to celebrate all they have accomplished. Especially during this stressful year, they deserve to have that opportunity, and for seniors, their last high school prom. 

With a whole school year during COVID 19 under their belt, I know that Ms. GM and other school administrators will be able to find a solution that is both safe and rewarding upperclassmen at IHS.