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School’s Out June 16, But Uncertainty Clouds 2020-21

by Lily McInerney

Due to COVID-19, the school year for students in the Irvington School District will be shortened to June 16 because of vacation days that were used to continue distance learning.

In an email Wednesday afternoon, Dr. Kristopher Harrison, Superintendent of Schools, wrote: “At last night’s Board of Education meeting, the Board adopted a revised calendar that deducts seven days from the end of June; this will account for the seven days that school was in session that was originally scheduled as vacation.”

In terms of reopening for the fall, Dr. Harrison is uncertain if student life will resemble the pre-COVID-19 days.

“It is premature to know exactly what the fall will look like,” Dr. Harrison said. “All of us want to return to our traditional, in-person school experiences. However, it does seem that this may not be our reality. Thus, it is possible that we could have a modified experience wherein a hybrid of distance learning and in-person learning could be facilitated.” 

While it may be possible to reopen in a different manner than usual, all of this depends on guidance from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Department of Health. The district is about to start planning for the fall and will adhere to guidance from these two groups.  

Dr. Harrison said that the distance learning that has already taken place has been a community effort and is grateful for the flexibility of every person involved.