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Stalled Negotiations Begin Again

Since June 2016, all Irvington school district teachers, represented by the Irvington Faculty Association (IFA), have been working under an expired contract.

Since there has been so much difficulty coming to an agreement, in the spring of last year, the union declared “impasse.”

Ms. Amy Falk, president of the IFA, said, “This means there was not adequate progress, and now we will be assisted by a mediator from the state board.”

Both sides expressed that they hoped an agreement would be reached soon and Ms. Falk added, “The formal mediation process has now begun, and so far, has been productive. I am cautiously optimistic, and believe that we are moving in the right direction.”

Negotiators have been trying for nearly two years to negotiate a new contract with the district, but have been unable to reach an agreement.

Board of education president Michael Hanna says that the biggest obstacle to an agreement is the state’s tax cap.

“New York State has imposed a tax cap law, limiting how much the district can increase its spending,” he said. This makes it more difficult for the board to give the raises which the teachers union is requesting because they have a limited cap for the money they are allowed, he added.

“Offers made by the district so far are not comparable with districts around the region,” said Ms. Falk. which is why the IFA has not agreed with any of the terms proposed so far.

Teachers have shown their dissatisfaction with the current stall in contract negotiations in many ways such as wearing coordinated black IFA shirts, standing outside Irvington schools prior to the school day at designated locations on Friday mornings, and many attended a recent Irvington school board meeting.

At the board meeting, members rallied around Ms. Falk, who delivered a speech addressing a letter that was sent by Mr. Hanna to the Irvington community that suggested the negotiating team was to blame for stalled negotiations.