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New Covid-19 Treatment Pills Approved

By Kevin McLaughlin

Recently, the FDA approved Merck’s new Covid-19 oral pill.  This pill was created “for the treatment of mild-to-moderate coronavirus disease in adults and pediatric patients with positive results of direct testing, and who are at high risk for progression to severe COVID-19, including hospitalization or death”, says the FDA.

Even though the FDA says pediatric patients will be allowed to receive the pill, most children are not eligible.  You are required to be at least 12 years old, and weigh at least 88 pounds.  Similar to the Covid-19 vaccines slowly being cleared for younger people, it is expected that these pills will slowly begin to be authorized for children (as long as testing is successful).

Merck has an agreement with the US Government to supply 3.1 million courses of Molnupiravir (name of pill).  

While the vaccines are very effective in preventing hospitalizations and deaths, this new pill was not as successful in testing.  Data showed the pill reduced hospitalizations and deaths in high risk adults by 30%.  Given this low success rate, the FDA advisors vote was very close.  The advisors voted in favor of recommending Molnupiravir to the public 13-10.  

However, Pfizer’s Covid-19 treatment pill has had success.  Results showed that the treatment cut the risk of hospitalization or death by 89% if given to high-risk adults within a few days of their first symptoms.

President Biden commented on the new Covid-19 treatment pills, and he said the drug would “mark a significant step forward in our path out of the pandemic.”

Both the new Covid-19 treatment pill from Merck and the pill from Pfizer will play a huge role in keeping people healthy, hospitals empty, and hopefully getting back to “normal” life.