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Irvington to Implement ‘Surveillance Testing’

By Reinesse Wong

Irvington High School has announced its reopening plan to bring back students to school full time starting April 12th. In an effort to track the spread of COVID-19, the District has decided to implement a surveillance testing policy. 

The surveillance testing policy will run bi-monthly where every two weeks, 5% of students and staff who are on campus will be selected for testing. This means a total of 10% of students and staff will be tested monthly. Testing will be random; however, the district expects that each student will be tested at least once before the end of the school year. In order for students to be selected for testing, parents must sign a consent form allowing their child to participate in this program.  

If a student’s name is chosen for testing, they will receive an appointment time and testing location within Irvington. Testing will occur on Monday mornings between the hours of 7:00 – 8:30 am. 

The results from the surveillance test will be interpreted relative to the infection rate of Westchester County. If the infection rate of Irvington is 1% (or more) higher than that of Westchester County, then the in-person attendance will be reevaluated. 

This program is set to be implemented on the week of reopening starting April 12th and more information will be released soon.