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The Girls Varsity Softball Team Starts off their Season

by Lindsay Mosberg

As the spring season for Irvington sports began this past March, the varsity girls softball team is very optimistic. They recently had their first game and win of the season against Blind brook. Prior to their first game, some of the members of the team shared their expectations for the season.

Junior, Alex Pollack who plays first base expresses how she feels going into the season, “really optimistic for the season. We have a group of girls who are all making a ton of progress in practice.”

Additionally, junior and team pitcher, Sammy Hirschheimer shares the same enthusiasm for the team.

“I think we will be good and we have a good team. I am very optimistic for the season. We are improving a lot and practicing is super beneficial” says Hirschheimer.

The team’s progress was clearly reflected during their first game on March 29th with a win of 18-6. Hopefully the teams success and optimism towards the season will continue to bring more wins during their upcoming games.