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Should Snow Days Be a Thing of the Past?

By Matt Weidler

With the winter in full effect that means snow days. This has been a record setting year for snow. One big positive about snow for students at least is the possibility of snow days. But some administrators are signaling that these days of sudden celebrations, sledding and sleeping in should be a thing of the past.

With the option of online school instead of snow days, these administrator say that school can endure even the worst of blizzards. But kids need snow days. Snow days are a chance for a break from school.

In New York City, it appears snow days are gone this year, as Mayor De Blasio signaled his expectations that schools would continue on remotely despite the weather. Here is Irvington, we have already had two snow days this year, but they could be taken away at any moment.

Every kid looks forward to getting that late night/early morning call from the school about a cancellation, sleeping in and then playing in the snow all day. These are the kinds of days that kids need. With mental health being such an important issue right now, I don’t think taking away some of the most enjoyable days for kids is a wise move. We are all struggling in this new world and we need snow days. 

The district has not taken away our snow days as of this year and I think every kid can appreciate that. With many different big cities including New York City taking away snow days, all students hope that Irvington does not follow this path.

Keeping our four snow days per year is essential. On light snow days where they switch around Flex Wednesday instead of cancelling it is one thing, but on those bigger storms we still need our snow days.