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An End in Sight? Pfizer thinks so

By Wyatt McInerney

In this time of trouble, many have been looking for a way out, hoping to see a way this will all end. Well, maybe it’s here.

The drug company Pfizer has released news on its COVID-19 vaccine, and many have said that it is the best-case scenario. According to Pfizer, this vaccine for COVID-19 is over 90% effective. To put this in perspective, the flu shot is only about 52% effective, so to be clear, this is great news.

In addition, this vaccine appears to be little to no side effects. Many health experts are enthusiastic and hopeful about this drug.

Dr. Albert Bourla, Pfizer Chairman and CEO, said, “Today is a great day for science and humanity. The first set of results from our Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trial provides the initial evidence of our vaccine’s ability to prevent COVID-19.”

Profressor Ugur Sahin, BioNTech co-founder, and CEO said, “The first interim analysis of our global Phase 3 study provides evidence that a vaccine may effectively prevent COVID-19. This is a victory for innovation, science, and a global collaborative effort.”

So, to summarize, the people who we want to be happy, are all very very happy with this vaccine and the potential of it to help us end this pandemic.

And although it may not feel like it, it has happened in record time.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the process of making a vaccine that works and is also safe usually takes years. Also, according to The New York Times, drugs in clinical trials rarely work, yet this one did. It is astonishing how quickly this vaccine was made, and not only made, but performed.

The regular vaccines that most receive at a hospital for various other viruses are usually around 85% effective, and most of these spent years to develop.

The COVID vaccine has not yet been reviewed and/or approved by the FDA, but many have high hopes and believe that this vaccine can finally put a stop to COVID-19.