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New Schedule, Same Clubs

By Kevin McLaughlin

Coronavirus has had a huge impact on our daily school lives.  From masks and social distancing to learning through Google Meet, this school year will be like none we have ever seen before. Perhaps no area has been impacted more than extra-curriculars.

Assistant principal Mr. Samuelson spoke to the Paw Print recently about what clubs might look like this year.

Typically, we have a club fair in the first few weeks of the school year in the campus gym, but that isn’t likely given the current situation.

“There will not be a club fair that looks like the ones we have had in the past,” said Mr. Samuelson, adding that clubs supervisor Ms. Lyons will be sharing a digital club portfolio with students that contains all of the usual information that we would receive at the fair. 

This will be useful for freshmen, who may be unfamiliar of the club offerings at the high school. Participation in these clubs once a student joins is another matter. Mr. Samuelson, however, is confident that each club will be able run in some capacity.

“As of right now, I do not know of any clubs unable to run this year because of hybrid learning.”

Instead of having two Tuesdays a month, clubs will meet during a particular week each month on Tuesday and Friday.  For kids at home on the other day, there will most likely be a way to participate through Google Meet or Zoom.