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Positive Impact Club offers help and hangouts

By Dani Heller

With school taking place in the comfort of our home, many students are struggling from the isolation and loneliness that it brings. There are many staff members in Irvington High School who are striving to ease kids into this new normal as best as possible.

Irvington High School and Middle School’s Students Assistance Counselor Ms. Danielle Gamar is taking steps to help out the students in need of positivity during these unprecedented times. Along with her weekly “Wellness Wednesday” emails that include inspirational quotes, she is also hosting weekly substance-related Kahoots to educate students through the means of a fun activity.

Additionally, beginning on April 30, Ms. Gamar will be hosting grade-wide meetings on Google Hangout. These meetings will be used to connect with students to check in and see how they are dealing with these tough times. 

As the advisor of the Positive Impact Club, she has also organized a Google Classroom named “Positivity from the Positive Impact Club”, which is a source that has ideas for fun activities to do. The classroom code is “zepyrd5” and she encourages everyone to join. 

Ms. Gamar understands that this can be a challenging time for many students, and recommends that students continue “keeping a routine, balancing distance learning and connecting to friends, engaging in some fun activities you enjoy with your family, getting rest and eating well.”

She would like to emphasize that she is available with resources through email, phone, or Google Hangout for any students who are struggling during these times.