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We Should be Allowed to Eat in the Library


By Chrysmine Wong

Early in the morning? Yes. During school hours? No. After school hours? Yes. The library isn’t open for that long before and after school. Many students come into the library early in the morning or stay after school to do work.

I, and many other people, probably eat while working on our laptops at home. We are used to this and are careful not to spill anything onto the computers, understanding that drinks should be kept far away. Habits from home usually transfer over to school and everyday life activities, because as we all know, “old habits die hard.”

However these rules should be set:

1. Restrict to small snacks and drinks
2. Any damage caused to computers are fees students owe
3. Clean up after yourself

To ensure that these allowances will not be abused, a warning should be given out that once food and drinks are not cleaned up, these benefits will be taken away. I believe that many people will appreciate this decision to open up the restriction on eating.

It is always nice to have a snack or drink while working to ease the stress!