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Should the Irvington school district offer a drivers ed course?

By Bridget Kelly

Learning to drive is an exciting nerve racking thing that many teenagers are eager to do. Junior and senior year is when students start getting their permits and their licenses. Taking a drivers ed course is a crucial part of learning how to drive and having one offered at the school would be beneficial for students, families, and the community.

There are many steps required in order to get a driver’s license and this is for a good reason. Safety is the most important thing on the road which is why taking a drivers ed course is so important. Our community wants responsible and educated drivers on the road to keep everyone safe. Drivers ed teaches and enforces these safe driving habits.

Online drivers ed courses are available and many students might take them instead because they think it’s “easier” but having an in person course is much more engaging and beneficial for developing proper driving skills. Sophia Im (11) helped stress this “easier” concept stating how driver ed courses will prevent students from “cramming in a stressful five hour course.”

Additionally, it is difficult to find courses in the Irvington area. A drivers ed program offered in Irvington would give students and families easy access to the course without having to go through the hassle of signing up through different websites or schools.  

In person drivers ed courses require students to fully participate and show understanding of the lectures and lessons. Last spring I took an 8 week in person drivers ed course. I learned a lot through asking questions and driving with the instructors.

As much as I gained out of going to the in person lectures, it was still somewhat inconvenient to have to coordinate rides and drive half an hour to get to each session. Having a course offered at the school would allow students in Irvington to be there in 5 or 10 minutes or even just walk depending how close they live to the school. 

Our school investing in a drivers ed program would give Highschool students an easily accessible resource to learn how to drive. As it promotes thorough and safe driving education.

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