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Should we expand entrances in the school? 

By Aaron Strow and Dylan Sawhney 

Over the past couple of years, both Irvington High School and Middle School staff have made an effort to cut down on the use of side entrances/exits for students to enter the school; pushing students to use the main entrances where there are security desks. Although changes were for safety purposes, are they really necessary? No.

Students often are late to school for a variety of reasons, whether it can be they slept late, or they couldn’t get a ride to school, some people think it is unfair that these events can affect how you get to school. 

One student, Joseph Brandstaeter (9) voiced his distaste for the change stating how having to going through the main entrance  “ends up making me later than if I could use other entrances around the school. “

Besides from being late to school, the lack of entrances could be potential danger hazards. In the case of a fire, students’ lives can be put at risk if one of the exits is unusable. By establishing more exits throughout the school, both time and safety will be created for the students and teachers. 

Another freshman, Roland Sadre weighed in on the potential risks of a lack of entrances explaining that “if there were ever a fire, I would not feel safe relieving on a single exit.” 

A poll was conducted with freshmen around the school to see what they think about adding more entrances. We found that 7/10 kids would like to be able to use other entrances to the school other than the main entrance. This includes not being late to class, feeling safer in their learning environment, and comfortable with both their peers and teachers.

Having more entrances to the school would allow for students to cut down on the time they would spend getting into the school, as well as being safer during an emergency situation. We believe that a little work for some entrances can go a long way.

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