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Summer Stories: How Students Spent Their Break

By Leila Schneider

Now that summer has ended and school has returned, it’s time to try and hold on to summer as long as possible by going over some student summer highlights. This summer, students and teachers went to many amazing places and did many amazing things. First, let’s reflect on some fascinating travel experiences.

Junior Jelena Herceg said, “This summer I went to Croatia and I was able to work as a hostess for my family friend’s restaurant. It was a really cool experience because I was able to meet many different cultures and talk to many different people.”

Next, senior Ava Lenihan “went to Puerto Rico this summer with [her] grandma.”

Freshman Hazel Kwon said, “This summer I went to Maine and went on a boat tour.”

Sophomore Sigal Edo “visited her family for the fourth of July and saw a ton of family that [she] hadn’t seen in years. [She] went to the beach later that day and saw fireworks.”

Junior Alex Shevrin “went to Portugal this summer for 10 days. [He] also played soccer for summer league with the team, it was a lot of fun.”

Many students spent the summer working hard and making money. Let’s hear about some students’ summer jobs.

Junior Jessica Bond shared, “This summer I worked at a day camp for 4 and 5 year olds in Ardsley. It was very fun and it was a really good experience.”

Senior Luke Mitchell “lifeguarded at Ardsley Country Club.”

Junior Brody Schimmel “went to summer camp for 6 weeks and [he] enjoyed taking care of kids as a CIT and having fun with [his] friends throughout the day. It was [his] last summer so it was sad.”

Finally, Junior Ryder Spino reported, “This summer I worked for a construction company. It was pretty fun. We built a lot of stuff and did a lot of painting around Irvington.”

And for a special mention, one person had a very unique experience this summer. Let’s hear about Jeneva Preval’s fascinating time upstate in an honors choir.

“This summer I participated in an honors choir upstate where they gave me a bunch of music a couple months before, I learned it at home with their audio, and then we practiced for two days and then we performed. It was really fun to get to sing with a bunch of people that I didn’t know.”

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