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IHS Club Delivers GLAM4GOOD

By Elise Harcsar

GLAM4GOOD is a nonprofit organization that helps unify and uplift people through fashion. Founder Mary Alice Stevenson has created GLAM4GOOD to help others express and gain empowerment using their style. Millions of dollars worth of clothing and beauty essentials are donated from companies to GLAM4GOOD, which are distributed to those in need primarily women and children.

And senior Chloe Harcsar has brought GLAM4GOOD to IHS by starting the first teens GLAM4GOOD club. Last year, the club helped organize and unbox clothing, raised money by selling chocolates, and set up a clothing drive.

“It’s a fun and creative way to contribute to our community,” said current GLAM4GOOD club member and IHS senior Manasa Pragada.

As part of the club there are many unique opportunities and connections available. Experiences with an organization like GLAM4GOOD can also be beneficial in the future if you are interested in pursuing service work or work in the not-for-profit sector.

“Students are given the opportunity to get involved with a nonprofit organization, share ideas, and learn about the impact a company such as GLAM4GOOD has,” said club founder Chloe Harcsar.

If you are interested in getting involved, check posters hung around the school with sign up information. You can also follow their Instagram page: @teensglam4good.