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Irvington Cafeteria Gets Acai Bowls

By Annie McFeetors

Summer has begun, as shown through the weather reaching as hot as 87 degrees in Irvington, New York, and with this increase in heat, comes an increase in overheated students. In hopes to combat the heat, Irvington High School has introduced acai bowls to its cafeteria, as suggested by student Scott Zinman.

Zinman, a junior, explains he had to go through a long process of meeting with the principal, the assistant superintendent, then the director of food services, and after more emails, he finally made it happen: acai bowls are in the cafeteria. When asked why he did it, Zinman answered, “Acai bowls are a healthy and nutritious option that allow people to make their own creations with endless possibilities. I want my peers to have that healthy choice.”

To the left of the deli sits the acai bowl station filled with many delicious options. As Zinman said, each acai bowl is customizable, much like the stir fry station that the school already has, however, since stir fry is warm, many feel acai bowls are a better option as the weather gets hotter. A member of IHS may choose up to 4 toppings between blueberries, strawberries, pineapple, mango, granola, flaxseed, chia seeds, all coming to a total of $6.00. Even though this station has only been at IHS for a short amount of time, many students have been frequently ordering off of this new menu, and many different student-made combinations can be seen.

When asked what makes this new station so appealing, junior Ella Sasso answered, “The combination of flavors and textures in an acai bowl make it a satisfying and healthy meal option.”  

Acai bowls are popular among many due to their amazing taste, but also their healthy base. The acai berry (what makes up the base) is known for being rich in antioxidants, which can help boost overall health. Additionally, toppings such as strawberries and blueberries are known to improve the function of arteries, and help control blood pressure by keeping blood from clotting. Overall, acai bowls are a healthy alternative to just grabbing chips in the cafeteria. 

Another beneficial feature of acai bowls is that they are very portable. If a student has to get studying done, or meet with a teacher, then they can just order an acai bowl and take it on the go with them. This is very efficient for not only students, but also teachers who constantly have to get work done. 

Overall with their healthy ingredients, good portability, amazing taste, and customizability, acai bowls are most likely here for good (at least in warmer months) at the high school.

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