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How does Music impact quality of life?

Girl wearing headphones listening to music collage element vector. Free public domain CC0 image.

By Orian Ben-Ari

Music is the perfect medicine for people of all ages. People who are young or old have stress, and music can help relieve it. Not only does music help relieve stress, but studies also show that it can help trigger memories in some people. In the article, “The Powerful Benefits of Music on Memory Loss” by the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, they state “[….]You know, I like…old Beatles or Rolling Stones. What is it that I feel? Why am I loving this so much as I’m driving the car? Suddenly I’m just — I remember when I was listening to this when I was younger. It’s a — it’s a feel good, you know”. This personal statement shows how music prompted remembrances for the speaker.

People who are young and old have stress, which music can alleviate. In the article, “The Powerful Benefits of Music on Memory Loss” by the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Dr. Nathaniel Chin states, “Music…can improve quality of life for people with dementia and other cognitive and physical conditions.” This shows that the benefits of music in cognitive research have been a relevant theme among scientists. Therefore, other individuals should ponder the fact that music could help them. 

  A study was done about the impact of music and college students. Every day the students would have to listen to music, and what they discovered at the end of the experiment was that it “lowered their levels of anxiety significantly.”  This manifests that music is helpful for everyone, especially people who are stressed/anxious. This was also shown in a “ …2016 study that looked at the connection between music and anxiety by studying people who have a fear of heights.” A group of people were put into a virtual reality simulation, half of the participants played music and the other half didn’t. “The researchers found that the people who listened to music recovered faster from the stress of the experience than those who didn’t. “

As students it’s important that we take some time to unwind and destress from the aspects of academics, sports, and extracurriculars. We should utilize music to the best of our abilities.