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Bagel vs. Flagel

by Alexis Canfin

This week, I decided that it was time to try something new. Every trip I take to Bagel Emporium in Tarrytown, I get the same thing. A plain bagel with cream cheese. But every time I go to Bagel Emporium, I see a small bin labeled Flagels. A flagel is a “flat bagel”. The only difference between a flagel and a bagel, is that a flagel is flattened after it’s boiled. I brought two friends along and got their opinions on which they enjoy more. 

Firstly, a bagel costs $1.50 while a flagel costs $2.00. This surprised me considering that they are basically the same thing, one is just flat.

Someone once told me a flagel is healthier than a bagel, so I also looked into this. According to, flagels tend to be lower in calories and carbohydrates, yet it depends on the size. If your bagel is less wide than the flagel, this doesn’t mean you’re eating less bagel. At this point, it’s preference. Do you prefer a thinner, more spacious flagel, or a more doughy and thick bagel?

So finally, which one did I end up preferring? This is honestly a very tough decision to make. I would have to say that if the flagel is perfectly toasted, I would have to go with a flagel. It really is just preference.

One of my friends I went to try to flagels with, Isi Doncov said, ““Cream cheese to flagel ratio was exquisite and I really enjoyed my scallion cream cheese. I don’t think this ratio would be possible on a bagel. It was really delicious and I really recommend Bagel Emporium, they have the best bagels and flagels ever.” On the other hand Sofie Ahmad, who also tried the flagel had a different opinion. “I think bagel because I don’t like how flat flagels taste and their consistency, especially when they’re not toasted. Although toasted Flagels are crunchy and crispy, I do prefer regular bagels.”

Along with this, I posted a poll on the Paw Print instagram, to see other people’s perspectives. There was a very drastic difference in the outcome. Unsurprisingly, bagels won with a 42% difference. “Flagels offer a unique culinary experience that sets them apart from traditional bagels. The layers of buttery, flaky pastry create a delightful contrast to the dense chewiness of bagels, providing a more indulgent and satisfying texture. Additionally, falgels’ surface area is greater than those of bagels giving you more of a bang for your buck. Who wouldn’t want more bagels for less?” Senior Anders Knapp said. 

In conclusion, I’d have to say that deciding between a bagel and a flagel is very much based upon preference. So which are you, bagel or flagel?