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‘She-Hulk’ Smashes the Haters

by Lucas Regal

This summer Marvel released the newest edition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a nine episode series on Disney+ — She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.

There was much speculation about this new series. Many people in the online superhero community expressed their unhappiness with this series. Misogyny seemed to be driving much of the criticism, as this is one of a few Marvel projects with a female lead. There were TikToks, Reddit pages, and Twitter comments, created to hate on this show, a fact that the show itself made fun of.

Going into the show I had very low expectations considering all the hate, but I have watched every MCU show and movie, good or bad, so I had to watch She-Hulk. I went into the first episode and was very pleasantly surprised. It was not at all the boring, corny show that I had been told it was from people on TikTok. It was entertaining, relatable, interesting, and funny. Not just blow out of your nose slightly harder than usual funny, but actually laugh out loud funny. The jokes landed effectively, the fourth-wall breaks (a special superpower of She-Hulk’s) were perfect.

She-Hulk struggles, both human and supernatural, were relatable and compelling. The show had me, a 16 year old boy, invested in She-Hulk’s dating life. All of that mixed with great acting and some unexpected cameos from some fan favorites made the show interesting, entertaining, and fun.

The thing that truly made this show special was how different it was from most Marvel projects. The ending was not at all the generic “good guy beats bad guy” finish. The show purposely makes fun of the misogynistic haters. The show knows exactly what it is, and doesn’t try to be anything else, which is why it works so well.

This show is a must-watch for any superhero fan who is enlightened enough to not care what gender the main character is. Overall rating: 9/10.