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Music in our Schools Month Celebration

By Kevin McLaughlin

On April 5th, Irvington High School will be hosting a “music in our schools month” celebration.  This celebration will consist of musical performances from both teachers and students in the Quad.  Anybody with a musical talent is encouraged to participate, whether it is playing an instrument, singing, submitting a composition created online, a group performance, or any other hidden musical talents.

Mrs. McCumber notes that this is a first time thing at IHS.  She also said, “PTSA will also be providing snacks, water, and balloons at this event to make it more of a fun gathering for all!”

Right now, there are about 10 acts in total, which is a combination of both teachers and students.  Many students might be interested in performing, but are nervous about doing it in front of others.  In a message to these students, Mrs. McCumber says “IHS is a family and we are looking to just bring us all back together through our love of music.”

If you are interested in signing up, you can either talk to Mrs. McCumber in person or send her an email at