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Demarest, Shenoy Named Co-Valedictorians

Seniors Henry Demarest and Esha Shenoy named co-valedictorians.

By Dylan Harrison

We can all agree that the 2020-21 school year has been a very unique one. It has been a year of firsts in many ways. Remote learning, cohorts, limited sports and masks have all made this school year one to be remembered.

In addition to those unique moments, this year has another first. This year two students, Henry Demarest and Esha Shenoy were named co-valedictorians for the Class of 2021.

Having co-valedictorians for the first time ever seems fitting for this year considering the circumstances. However, the reason that Demarest and Shenoy were both named valedictorians was because it was determined that they had the exact same cumulative GPAs.

Ms. GM confirmed that when their GPAs were calculated and rounded to the nearest 100s place, they were exactly the same. Demarest and Shenoy were both surprised at this turn of events.

“I feel incredibly honored to be co valedictorian alongside Henry! I’ve been so blessed to have a compassionate, supportive family, some truly remarkable teachers, and classmates and friends who never cease to amaze me each and every day,” Shenoy said.

“I feel grateful to have all of these individuals not only to share my passions with but also learn from and grow. They have made my time at Irvington absolutely wonderful!”

Demarest expressed similar sentiments.

“I’m really excited and honored to be named co-valedictorian,” he said. “Irvington is such an amazing place, and I am so thankful for all of the great friends, teachers and coaches who have supported me over the years.”