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Governor Cuomo Announces New Gathering Guidelines

By Elise Harcsar

The progress of the coronavirus vaccine is starting to reveal itself in small but meaningful ways. 

Governor Cuomo recently addressed current coronavirus gathering guidelines, and has announced upcoming changes. Starting March 15, wedding receptions limited to 150 people will be allowed to gather as long as everyone has been tested negative for the coronavirus. 

For public indoor and outdoor gatherings at private residences, the limit remains at 10 people. However, with the help of testing and vaccinations, new changes are being put in place and mark a starting point for seeing more normality in the future.

In addition to this news, as more people get vaccinated there is more confidence regarding safety from the virus. Cuomo has also announced that on Valentine’s Day, NYC restaurants can resume indoor dining with 25% capacity. While this change does not impact restaurants in Irvington, it is another positive aspect that contributes to upcoming change.