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How Well Has The School Handled COVID-19?

(From left to right) Seniors Ben Talty, Devin Reilly and Frances Sabatino enjoy some fresh air during a mask break.

By Wyatt McInerney

With the number of daily deaths rising every day it is quite evident that we are not done with COVID-19, no matter how much we might want to be. Cases are rising in many places, including Westchester and even in our own school district.

But how do students think it is going? We asked a number of students what they thought about the precautions we have put in place and if they are working.

“I think the COVID guidelines and precautions can be effective and will work yet too many people get away with breaking the rules and what they want. I believe that the guidelines should be enforced better as it would help us fight COVID better.”

Kale Heuter, freshman

“I do not think the guidelines are effective. The idea that students are six feet apart constantly is not practical. At the end of class students will congregate within six feet apart. Mask breaks are not given by every teacher on the days they are supposed to be given. There’s rarely hand sanitizer in every room to disinfect students’ desks in between periods, and I have been to classes some days where no proper precautions like that are taken.”

Leila Fanferillo, freshman

“I think the school system has handled the pandemic very well although there are certain aspects of our safety precautions that I think are unnecessary, all the consistency of wearing masks in school and sanitizing in between classes is very efficient I think using paper on desks is not only a huge waste as coronavirus is not transferred via touching objects. Aside from this, I think that school has done a great job.”

Anonymous, freshman

Overall, the school body seems to mainly not be happy with how the school has handled COVID, with some exceptions.