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Seniors-Freshmen Begin Modified Peer Leadership

By Dani Heller

Peer Leadership, a weekly program in which groups of IHS seniors are paired with a small group of freshmen to host them in a variety of engaging activities, has been implemented this year, albeit with new, necessary COVID-19 restrictions.

But with these safety mandates comes a struggle of connecting on a more personal level, seniors report. As the students are unable to divide into smaller groups, get sweet treats from the seniors, or share materials necessary for certain activities, creating these new bonds are rather more difficult than in past years.

Although the mandated social distancing and masks have slightly hindered the way that many of the activities are run, the students are very happy to be able to partake in this experience, even in a limited way. 

Peer Leader Allie Rosenberg explained, “We are doing everything we can to make things as normal as possible for Peer Leadership. Some parts are more difficult than others, but overall I think it’s going to work out really well.”

Freshman Rylan Topman has had a great Peer Leadership experience so far.

“Peer leadership is a period that I always look forward to. It is a fun way to make connections with people that I probably would not have otherwise,” Rylan said.