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Students, Staff Adjust to Mask Requirement

(From left to right) Seniors Ben Talty, Devin Reilly and Frances Sabatino enjoy some fresh air during a mask break.

By Alexander Schochet

Due to COVID-19, the school has mandated that all faculty and students wear masks during all in-person classes. Because wearing a mask all day is uncomfortable, the school has instituted a mask break schedule that asks teachers to bring students outside or in some cases to allow indoor mask breaks if safe.

“The mask breaks have been very helpful for my school lifestyle as I get to relax and get a fresh breath of air,” said senior Justin Kim.

Senior Jake Stein agreed. “Mask breaks are a good way to help make sure students and teachers are able to stay focused and adjust to our new way of going to school,” he said.

The school has spray-painted boxes on the grass in the quad to indicate safe social distancing, and many students stand or sit in the boxes during mask breaks or if they are eating lunch outside.

There are also regulations on what type of mask you allowed to wear. Gator masks, which are basically the sleeves that go around your mouth, and bandannas are prohibited. You are also not allowed to wear a mask that has an air pocket or vent on it.

There are some downsides to wearing masks: not being able to see classmates’ whole faces and possibly misinterpreting someone’s feelings. However, experts agree that wearing masks is effective protection.