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We Are Back in School, Now What?

Students participate in in-person learning

It finally happened. 2020, a year many have branded as one of the worst in recent memory, is at least somewhat close to ending. With it, the 2020-21 school year has finally arrived, and we’ve begun this year the same way we ended the last one, on our computers logging onto Google Meets all day.

However, while distance learning may have returned, there is at least, something of a different plan this time around. We have started to return to school physically, at least for the moment, two days a week. This is certainly a step in the right direction towards returning to something resembling normal, but how long will it last? Will we return to fully-fledged distance learning within another few weeks or so? How long will it take for us to finally return to school full-time without the possibility of another wave of quarantine looming over our heads?

True, it is very clear to see that there are many questions that remain up in the air about this school year. But even as these questions remain, here’s what I believe to be true, at least for now.

Honestly, as much as I may want to see my friends, get in-person help from teachers on my assignments, and take part in lots of the school activities that typically take place around this time of year, I realize it will take quite a while for us to do so.

I would predict when all of this will finally be behind us, but I still remember thinking that the closure our school forced upon us due to COVID-19 would last a mere two or three weeks back in March. In fact, I remember in the winter when I was almost certain that, even with the virus’ existence, we would still have a mostly normal end to the school year. Six months of quarantine later and little has changed from March 13.

However, I do not expect this hybrid schedule to be in place for the entire school year. However, I’m unsure if this will be due to another full-school closure with entirely remote learning for a period of time, or if we go back to school physically for the whole week once again.

But at least for the next few months we will be in this model of learning. And this actually makes a fair bit of sense. COVID-19 is still a real threat, and while it may not seem as dangerous as it did back in the spring, we are unfortunately still living in a global pandemic. So, I’m sure that at least for the fall, many of the events we look forward to around this time will be cancelled or altered in some way, similarly to how last spring went.

I am optimistic that things will return to normal at some point, and I’m also sure that we will find a way to proceed with some of these events virtually, like we did with Spirit Week and the Irvies last year. However, it’s still clear to see that uncertainty still clouds our future.