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Quarantine Forces Freshmen Orientation Online

By Kevin McLaughlin

Spring time means orientation time! Last Wednesday (June 3rd), Ms. GM and the guidance counselors held the first ever online orientation for the incoming freshmen due to the pandemic.

Orientation is usually held in the theater; however, it did provide students with helpful information about what to expect in September. 

Ms. GM and the counselors used Google Meet for the orientation and there were over 150 participants total. Irvington Superintendent Dr. Harrison made a surprise visit to the meeting to welcome the incoming freshmen to IHS. 

Pre-recorded videos made by the guidance counselors were shared to the students and their families, with Mr. Lund doing a voiceover. These videos included basic information about the high school and classes they will be taking in the fall.  Three parents of students going into sophomore year also spoke about how freshmen year was for them and their child. It provided an inside look into what to expect homework- and project-wise in high school. 

Incoming freshmen still feel more confident as a result of the orientation, even though they were not at school with their classmates. 

Ninth grader Keira Nyarady said, “The orientation put me at ease because it gave me a better sense of what high school will actually be like and answered all my questions and concerns.”

When asked if she thought the online orientation was worth it, she said “I did find the orientation helpful because I felt more prepared after it, and it made me feel better to know that my guidance counselor will be there to help me along the way.” 

Another incoming freshman, Kate McLaughlin, agreed that the orientation was helpful. 

“Yes, the guidance counselors and Mrs. GM gave informative answers to a lot of questions I had.”


  1. Larry Roth Larry Roth June 16, 2020

    The song is incredibly moving. I first heard it weeks ago and it’s still as powerful as the first day I heard it. An amazing song by an amazingly talented individual.

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