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Senior Internships Now Consist of Two Options

By Lily McInerney

This week Ms. GM announced that seniors are no longer required to seek out their own internships due to COVID-19. This new internship experience will take place from May 25th-June 12 and distance learning for seniors will end on May 22nd. 

“Given the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our internship community hosts shared they would be unable to host interns from a distance this year,” an email from Ms. GM stated. “Therefore, in an effort to ensure equity of access, the Senior Internship will be different this year than it has been in previous years.”

Students now have two options for their senior internship. The first is to read The Bigs, a book for young people about how to navigate life and enter the professional world, and then to write three journal entries about the book.

According to the email, seniors would be able to pick up a free copy of the book in the IHS parking lot next Wednesday, May 6th, between 1-2pm via drive through system. A single student or parent can potentially pick up multiple copies for safe distribution to family or friends.

The second option for seniors is to use an online program called YouScience for three weeks which helps students gain a better understanding about possible career interests. Mentors and mentees will still be meeting to discuss individual  internship progress. 

If seniors choose to select YouScience for their internship, they will receive an email in their Irvington school email inbox on either May 6th or 7th regarding further instructions.