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District’s ‘Phase Three’ Means More Live Learning

By Lily McInerney

As the Irvington School District enters its final quarter, this week teachers will begin to implement “phase three” of the district’s distance learning plan. This involves synchronous (or live) classes online each week.

“The change doesn’t make much of a difference for me. It’s business as usual so I’m not stressed over the change. I prefer live learning and being able to engage with students,” said Dr. Rey Serrano. 

Beginning on April 20th, IHS students will log onto laptops and learn live for increments of 30 minutes. From 9AM to 12:30 students will have periods 1-4 on Mondays and Wednesdays and periods 5-9 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A- and B-day only classes will meet just once a week.

Along with the scheduling change brings a change in the grading system. According to IUFSD work will be graded using this scale: 

  • Missing or Incomplete
  • Approaching expectations
  • Meeting or exceeding expectations

Here is the schedule: