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Senior Internships Still On, but Questions Remain

By Lily McInerney

This year due to COVID-19 and the continued closure of school, many seniors have been wondering if the internship experience was going to be one of many things IHS seniors lost this year.

In a recent email, however, principal Ms. GM that the school is moving ahead with internships, at least for now.

“I am writing to share that at this time, we hope to proceed with being able to provide seniors with a traditional internship experience. I also want you to know that seniors should not take any action s until we make a final determination regarding the viability of the program/experience.”

Ms. GM also stated that deadlines for internship materials will not come until next month, and that seniors should expect their teacher-mentors to reach out to them “on or before April 30.”

As for the other senior activities — like prom, the senior dinner and graduation — Ms. Gm wrote that she is working with the district team and “will be seeking opportunities to gather direct feedback and creative ideas from our students.”