As reported last week in The Paw Print, the Irvington Union Free School District will recommend to the school board the hiring of Juliet L. Gevargis-Mizimakoski as the new principal for Irvington High School, the first female HS principal in the school’s over 50-year history.
Ms. Gevargis-Mizimakoski, who goes by the moniker “Ms. GM,” is currently the assistant principal at Tappan Zee High School in the South Orangetown. Prior to TZ high school, Ms. GM was an assistant principal and social studies teacher in The Bronx.
Dr. Harrison told staff at an afternoon meeting that he would be recommending ‘Ms. GM’ for board approval at tomorrow night’s school board meeting. If approved by the board, she will begin her tenure in July.
In April, current principal Dave Cohen announced that he will be leaving Irvington at the end of the school year to take a job as principal of Jericho High School in Long Island.
There have been several departures at the administrative level this year, leaving the school district still looking for a new athletic director, technology director and assistant superintendent for instruction and human resources, following Dr. Raina Kor announced retirement effective January 2020. Last Friday, Dows Lane principal Deb Mariniello also announced she was leaving this summer to serve as principal for another elementary school in Lower Hudson Valley.