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IHS to Host College Prep Night

On May 20th, Irvington High School will be hosting a college prep night from 6:45-8:45 PM in the Cafeteria. The program will include many workshops and discussions about college admissions, financial aid, standardized testing, college applications, and more.

“There will be individual sessions run by current and former admissions counselors from Yale, SUNY Binghamton, the CUNY system, Bard, Beacon College, Rochester Institute of Technology, Laguardia Community College, and more.” – Ms.Colman, IHS Guidance Counselor

Hesc New York, a New York education financial service and the Compass Test Prep program representatives will also be attending.

Ms.Colman and Ms. Attenelllo in the guidance department stress that students are encouraged to attend, as the evening will be very beneficial and hands-on.

There will be individual sessions with college admissions counselors and families will be able to choose two different sessions that they would like to attend.