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Nike Air Force Ones Land at IHS

By Maria Teresa Bazdekis

If there’s one truth in our diverse culture, it’s that just about everyone loves sneakers. Sneakers were once considered a dress down shoe, the kind you’d only wear to play sports in or leave in your gym locker. Today, sneakers are a multi-billion dollar industry, and are produced in a variety of styles,  by many different companies.

Recent foot traffic in our hallways has shown that one particular sneaker has been making big strides among the girls at IHS.

The latest sneaker fashion footwear trend is the Nike Air Force Ones. At first glance, there’s nothing particularly remarkable about them. They’re classic white with no embellishments or other distinguishing features. But if you look closely you’ll realize they might as well be a painter’s canvas, because they allow the individual to express themselves with how they wear them.

So what is it about these shoes that makes them “stand out”? Two trend setting girls here at IHS were interviewed about their stylish shoes.

“I customized mine myself, most people wear the all white Air Force One shoes,” freshman Dove Ticona noted. “But personally, I think they all look nice and I like how mine match with all of my outfits.”

Freshman Lila Cerrito pointed out that “I think the way they look retro and how they have an old style made them popular, and since they got popular really fast everyone wanted them.”

But how is it that the Nike Air Force One shoes got  popular so quickly?

Dove said she thinks it might have something to do with the people seen wearing them on social media. “On social media models wear them with a really nice outfit, and because I like the outfit and the shoes it gives me an idea of something I’d want to wear.” This is a reasonable statement considering that the majority of teens use multiple social media accounts today.

There are many reasons why people like these shoes so much. Whether it’s because of their timeless look, the fact that sneakers keep popping up on famous feet online, or making a strong showing in IHS, it certainly looks like they’re here to stay.