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Do Teachers Pile on Work Before Breaks?

In Irvington High School, there has been a lingering issue over the past year that has been experienced by many students.

Some students find that teachers give multitudes of work before each long break, despite a school policy regulating the amount of homework that can be assigned over these breaks. Students have reported more tests, essays, projects, and other assignments in the days before the long breaks.  

“It’s frustrating because I have tests in pretty much every subject at the same time and it’s cramming and difficult,”  said sophomore Leo Abbattista.

Sophomore Sam Roth agrees. “I don’t have enough time to cover all the material in every class [when] I have a tests twice in one week. It’s very stressful.”

Not all teachers are okay with loading students up with work prior to breaks.

“Slamming kids before and after the break with obscene amounts of school work does not seem to reflect the holiday spirit,” said English teacher Julie Ippolito.

However, breaks shouldn’t be completely work free, says special education teacher Holly Koester.

“Students should be given work over the break just like they should during the schools week.  Work shouldn’t be piled on before the breaks but the flow should be continued so that students don’t become overwhelmed. It also sets some teachers back from their normal routine.”