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IHS Artists Display at Annual Show

by Andres Picon

The IHS annual Art Show created a positive buzz around the school during the stressful fourth quarter associated with APs, finals, and stress. The art show, which was in the Campus Gym, displayed for a week the work of over 50 student artists enrolled in courses including Photography, Studio Art, Mixed Media, and more.

Several of the participating students shared their thoughts on the art show and their opinions were nothing short of artsy.

Junior Alex Eccles called the art show “an existential rainforest” in which everyone was “trying to paint the societal walls with the colors of our souls.”

Simon Knowler said that he “enjoyed seeing everyone else’s work,” and Elizabeth Wang exclaimed, “Art is life!”

According to Ms. Diana Schmertz, the art show was run by the students themselves. She explained that students set up their own displays and she let them make their own decisions as to which works they wanted to include.