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Two D’s for Irvington Students

This school year, Irvington welcomed Mr. Anthony DiBenedetto as a new algebra teacher and you may recognize that last name because his brother, Mr. Patrick DiBenedetto, is an art teacher and varsity coach at Irvington.

While Anthony was looking for a job Patrick didn’t feel the need to step in.

“I didn’t get involved,” said Patrick, “but when opportunities in Irvington came up, I always let my brother know about them.”

Like his brother, Anthony is an Irvington alum and has worked here previously as a leave replacement teacher and a building substitute.

“It was a coincidence that [my brother] works here, but it is definitely an added plus,” said Anthony.

The brothers are just getting acclimated to working together and are enjoying the experience.

“[Although] we don’t see each other much during the day, it is nice to have a family member working at the same school,” Anthony said.

Patrick always gravitated more toward the arts.

“[Anthony] can draw but is better with math and science,” said Patrick.

Both agree that working together has brought them closer together.