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Book Review: An inspiring Pact

by Steven Batchie-Portnoy

For English class, I was assigned to read a nonfiction book entitled The Pact by Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt.

By looking at the cover of the book and reading the reviews of it (including one by Bill Cosby), I already knew I was going to enjoy it.  The tagline of the book, “Three young men make a promise and fulfill a dream,” hooked me in as well.

I can say I’m very glad that I got the chance to check it out.  This book is a must read for anyone struggling with their life and accomplishing their goals, and for anyone who needs something to help motivate them.  In fact, I think it’s a must read for just about anyone.

This book is told from the first-person perspective of two doctors Samson Davis and George Jenkins and dentist Rameck Hunt.  “The three doctors” (as they call themselves) each share their stories of growing up in dangerous neighborhoods and facing many difficulties throughout their lives.

In their senior year of high school, the three formed a pact to support each other and to become doctors.  They could have made very different choices with the directions of their lives, potentially succumbing to the crime in their neighborhoods.  Instead, they supported each other, overcame their hardships, and accomplished their goals, fulfilling their pact.

The Pact is one of, if not the most, inspirational books that I’ve ever read. The book sends an important message that says you need to back up your words with actions.  If you want to succeed, you need to work hard and use your strengths to overcome the difficulties you may face.

This is a message that can apply to anyone hoping to achieve their goals for the future, including myself, as I hope to pursue a career in screenwriting.  The three doctors are excellent role models for anyone struggling with their life’s direction.  Anyone, young or old, can look at these men as an example of following your dreams and goals, and avoiding the dangers of life.

If I were to give a five-word description of this book, I would call it “an inspiring story of tenacity.”

Jorden Rivers, a fellow student at IHS, called it “inspiring and unique.”  A teaching assistant who also read the book used the phrase, “strength is your best option” to summarize his take on the book.

This is a straightforward book that keeps you interested and doesn’t lose the reader with multiple plot twists and overly complicated character development.

I highly recommend this book, whether you want something to help inspire you or you’re looking for a great true story to read.